Wednesday, September 1, 2010

“It’s impossible to keep the Law of Moses”

In the 21st century and every century since 70 AD when the Romans destroyed the Jerusalem Temple—yes, since sacrificing at the Temple is a large part of the Law Moses gave (from God) to the Hebrews. However, to say that it was always impossible is to overlook a number of passages in the New Testament:

Elizabeth and her husband Zechariah (the parents of John the Baptizer) were upright, “observing all the Lord's commandments and regulations blamelessly”. (Luke 1:6)

The “rich young ruler” said he had kept all the commandments since his youth. (Mark 10:17-23)

Paul said that he, himself, had been blameless in regard to the Law. (Philippians 3:5, 6)

But those who followed Jesus learned “a new and better way” in the New Covenant of following Jesus’ teachings and coming under his atoning grace.

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